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                • Research, development, production and sales integration

                  Research, development, production and sales integration

                • Professional chemical technology, good management system

                  Professional chemical technology, good management system

                • Seeking truth from facts, excellence, casting the future

                  Seeking truth from facts, excellence, casting the future

                About US

                Xiamen Pinr BioTech Co.,LTD.

                Xiamen PinR BioTech Co.,LTD. was established in 2013,is located in Jimei District of Xiamen city .It is a high-tech Enterprise in Fujian province which provides R&D and sales for bulk drug ,medical intermediate and fine chemicals. Having a modern production base and high-level R&D resources and strong high-tech capabilities. Our company mainly focuses on the research and development of biomedical and organic pharmaceutical intermediates, has the outstanding R&D capabilities.The scope of products covers raw material, intermediates, customized synthesis.

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                Our goal

                Seek truth from facts, keep improving, casting the future

                We strive to become an excellent company with sustainable growth, and we encourage innovation and embrace challenges.

                We will do our best to ensure production safety and environmental protection, and further contribute to the society with professional chemical technology and excellent management system.

                Let's work together with our business partners to achieve common prosperity and progress.